1. Training and orientation of following target groups:
2. Academic and resource support to the elementary and adult education systems in the district in other ways e.g. by …
3. Action research and experimentation to deal with specific problems of the district in achieving the objectives in the areas of elementary and adult
4. To provide training and guidance for implementation of programmes like activity based and joyful learning and creating willingness to go to
5. To undertake research and experimentation, keeping in mind problems of the educational arena and to solve them.
6. To familiarize Headmasters, teachers, C.R.C.s, B.R.C.s co-coordinators and supervisors with new approach.
7. To organize seminars and workshops to enhance the abilities for teaching subjects like Mathematics, Science, work Experience and Art teaching at the
primary school level.
8. To provide guidance and evaluation techniques to ensure success for activity based education.
9. To visit alternative schools for migrant children and to give guidance there.
10. To visit V.E.C, P.T.A and provide guidance to the same.